Sunday, June 23, 2013

If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Please keep praying for and remembering your brothers and
 sisters in Christ who are being beat up, hunted down and
killed for their faith.
 If you go to you can pray for
 them by name and even send letters in their language
I have one question for you.  If you were arrested for being a Christian
would there be enough evidence to convict you?
VOM-USA Prayer Update for June 22, 2013
On Fri. Jun 21 2013 at 02:39 PM Moderator wrote: Mexico--Christians in
Chiapas Forced from Homes
Source: VOM Sources
Psalm 34:15

Twenty-six Christian families were recently forced to leave their
homes in Las Margaritas, Chiapas, Mexico, when local authorities
denied them municipal services, including water and electricity.
 A spokesperson for the families said authorities demanded the
equivalent of $380 per family and that the families abandon their
evangelical faith in exchange for reinstating the services. "The
community didn't kick us out directly," the spokesperson said.
 "But ... we didn't have water, they didn't allow us to gather wood.
Sunday at 9 p.m., 130 people left the city, and we remain as
refugees." The group said the conflict originated from their
 refusal to contribute to local religious festivals of those who
mix folk beliefs with Catholicism. The festivals involve large amounts
 of alcohol and debauchery.[/quote]

Two Pastors Attacked by Muslim Extremists
Source: VOM Sources
Isaiah 64:1-4

On June 2, Pastor Robert Ngai in Geita, northeastern Tanzania, was

attacked by a large group of radical Muslims. The attackers broke
into his home and attacked him with machetes. The pastor received
serious cuts on his hands and arms when he raised his arms to protect
 his head from the blows. The injuries were beyond local doctors'
ability to treat, so he was rushed to a hospital in a nearby, larger
 city for treatment. Ngai is the pastor of the Evangelical Assemblies
 of God Church. At last word from VOM contacts, he was still in
 ICU. Two nights before the attack on Pastor Ngai, the home of
  Pastor Daudi Nzumbi in Geita also came under attack. Pastor
Nzumbi leads the Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania (FPCT)
in Geita. Thankfully, the attackers fled after they were confronted
 by Pastor Nzumbi's large, barking dogs. When Pastor Nzumbi
 called the police, the officer in charge told him, "I cannot protect
every pastor!"[/quote]Iran--Three Christians Arrested
Sources: VOM Sources, Mohabat News
1 Peter 4:13-14

Three Christian converts were arrested on May 29 at a house church
service in Esfahan. Security forces entered the house and arrested
 Mohammad-Reza Farid, Saeed Safi and Hamid-Reza Ghadiri.
Authorities also seized the Christians' identification cards, and
family members have not been told where the men were taken.
Christians, especially those who are of Persian ethnicity, have faced
 increasing persecution as Iran's Islamic regime attempts to stop the
 growth of Christianity.[/quote]Bangladesh--VOM Project

Pray for Christian families who will receive hand-pump water wells.
Muslims in Bangladesh often pressure Christian converts from
Islam by forbidding them to use community wells, saying they
don't want the wells contaminated by "infidels."[/quote]

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