Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Merry Christmaas is not so Merry! The Srong and the Brave are world wide.

No,  whatever happens to us, our only course is to pursue the right path, and to avoid all that is wrong. Let each of us say, “My Master, if any act of obedience to You were to cost me many a pang—to cost me my liberty—to cause me to be put into prison”—and it has done so to many of the saints of old—“yet I will do as You command me, whatever the consequences may be.”

 What said Master John Bunyan, after he had lain in prison many years simply for preaching the gospel? The magistrates said to him, “John, we will let you out, but you must promise not to preach again. There are the regular divines of the country; what have you, as a tinker, to do with preaching?” John Bunyan did not say, “Well, now, I can see that this preaching is a bad thing. It has got me into prison, and I have had hard work to tag enough laces to keep my wife and that poor blind child of mine. I had better get out of this place, and stick to my tinkering.” No, he did not talk like that, but he said to the magistrates, “If you let me out of prison today, I will preach again tomorrow, by the grace of God.” And when they told him that they would not let him out unless he promised not to preach, he bravely, answered   answered, “If I lie in jail till the moss grows on my eyelids, I will never conceal the truth which God has taught me.
Metropolitan Sermons
 Sermon Title -Nevertheless at Your Word”,Volume 48, sermon 2810 

This sermon is also found Spurgeon's Expository Encyclopedia. It was published by
starting at page 319.

From Belarus -
ec. 14, 2017 | Belarus
Pray for Christians Detained for Distributing Christian Literature

Police have detained and questioned members of an evangelical church in northern Belarus three times in the last two months for distributing Christian literature. On Oct. 14, police arrested Andrei Fokin as he and other believers distributed Christian books and magazines in the Lepel town market. He was released after a warning, but later fined for repeat offenses. On Nov. 4, police again interrupted their literature distribution, this time taking nine Christians to the police station. Prior to the Oct. 14 arrest, the church had served the community through its street library ministry since 2004 without objection from authorities. Pray that church members will be able to pay their fines and resume their library ministry without harassment.

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