Monday, January 29, 2018

It is that time of year again for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Have you ever heard of, "seasonal depression?"  It is known by the popular acronym, (SAD), Seasonal Affective Disorder. The farther you live from the equator the more likely you will have it.  I know that we have over a hundred countries that read this blog. These include, Russia, Canada, China, Ukraine, the United States (including Alaska); all of these countries and more struggle with SAD
Visuel panoramique Menton
Today[s Menton, France
I once asked my psychiatrist about the possibility of being a missionary to England and he said that it would be alright, as long as I sought out good psychiatric treatment. It was the Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon, who suffered from SAD.and his son Thomas also had a form of it. The reason is that London,  England often has cloudy skies that hide the sun. Charles found comfort in the sunny skies of Menton France.  Just about any biography about Spurgeon ( and I have read many) informs the reader that the loving congregation in London England, "allowed", him to go  every year after the age of forty to Menton, France.W  His son Thomas resorted to ministry in sunny Australia !Even today London, England  has many people who have SAD. . However modern science means you get help right in you home. It is not just as fun as the two places mentioned above. It is a light that is 10,has 10,000 Lux or more. You can easily find one online.(Ed) I am in no way connected to any company that sells lights for SAD.

When I asked my psychiatrist (medical doctor) about the possibility of  going to Alaska, a state that is not in the Continental United States, he almost shouted at me, "no!"  And I don't even have Seasonal Affective Disorder. I have lived in the state of Florida and no matter how much sunshine, I experience (and there is much sunshine in Florida) it did not help with my clinical  depression..
So those of you who suspect that you or a loved one has a seasonal disorder should go to a Medicine Net, website to learn about SAD and other types of depression.  You can also take a depression quiz.
Here is the link: /

Broken Minds: Hope for Healing When You Feel Like You're Losing It by [Bloem, Steve]

For an evangelical treatment of mental illness, please read a book that my wife and I wrote, Broken Minds Hope for Healing When You Feel Like You're Losing It. The book retails at $16.00 but  I will give you a brand new one for $9.00 + $3.50 for shipping, Please go to Heartfelt Counseling Ministries website; You can use this link and click on the donation button and put in the amount. you owe. Shipping outside of the U.S. can be done,  but send me an email at and we can find out what is the shipping price.and you can put the book amount plus the shipping in the space after you click on the donation button.You can also pay by check.

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