Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why did the Son of God come to earth?

The answer to to this question in America and across the western world becomes more obscure every day.  But Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday and Forever (Hebrews 13:8).
I celebrate Christmas with great joy because without Christ birth, death and resurrection there is no Heaven, no hope, only gloom and doom. In John 8:12, Jesus Christ said, I am the Light of the world ; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.
 I could say many more things but I would like you to read a quote that I recently came across ,a quote that is found in the introduction of G. Campbell Morgan's book, The Crises of the Christ
Christ has come, the Light of the world.  Long ages may elapse before His beams have reduced the world to order and beauty, and clothed a perfect humanity with light as with a garment. But He has come: the Revealer of the snares and chasms that lurk in the darkness, the Rebuker of every evil thing that prowls by night, the Stiller of the storm-winds of passion; the Quickner of all that is wholesome, the Adorner of all that is wholesome, the Adorner of all that is beautiful, the Reconciler of contradictions, the Harmonizer of discords, the Healer of the nations, the Savior from sin.  He has come: the Torch of truth, the Anchor of hope, the Pillar of faith, the Rock for strength, the Refuge for security, the Fountain for refreshment, the Vine for gladness, the Rose for beauty, the Lamb for tenderness, the Friend for counsel, the Brother for love.  Jesus Christ has trod the world.  The trace of the Divine footsteps will never be obliterated.  And the Divine footsteps  were the footsteps of a Man.  The example of Christ is such as men can follow.  On! until mankind wears his image. On!towards yon summit on which stands, not an angel, not a disembodied spirit. not an abstract of ideal and  ideal and unattainable virtues, but THE MAN JESUS CHRIST.

Peter Bayne, A.M.  The testimony of Christ to Christanity.
This was quoted by G. Campbell Morgan .The Crises of the Christ (1936)Old Tappen: Fleming H. Revell Company page 12.

Perhaps you would like to give a copy of our book Broken Minds Hope for Healing When You Feel
Like You're Losing It to someone for Christmas. If you would like to read some reviews and/or order it go to http://www.amazon.com/Broken-Minds-Healing-Youre-Losing/dp/0825421187
You can also get it on Kindle from this web site.

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