Monday, May 21, 2012

Affordable and Free Medications

How do you find the most affordable medications for those in your care? What about your own need for psychotropic meds? You  can also benefit from this link that I am now giving you. You may not think so but the information below is probably one of the most important pieces of information about the treatment of mental illness you will ever get. Actually, it will help with any medical illness.

Patient Assistance Program is the web's most current and comprehensive directory of patient assistance programs that exist today. It will help you access drug programs at no cost if you qualify.  It also will give you the varying prices that pharmacies charge for a particular medication.  Until recently, I have benefited by getting Serequel (which is a very expensive medication) at no cost for about five years.

The link for this program is

How would you like to read a book that helps you understand mental illness and the Christian?

Here is  a review of our book.
This is the best Christian perspective on depression I have read. A young American Baptist is about to start his first pastorate when he is incapacitated by a severe clinical depression. The story is told by the man himself and also his wife. She in turn suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder and Post-traumatic Stress. The author shows how C. H. Spurgeon suffered from all three and yet he was a great servant of God. The question is asked, does a mental affliction disbar a man from pastoral ministry? The not unusual experience related here is of some lack of understanding and sympathy from Christians who deny the reality of mental illness or attribute it all to the demonic."              (Graham Weeks )

Rev. Steve Bloem, B.A. M.M,
Director of Heartfelt Counseling Ministries
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

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