
My flippant remark about Hell
When I was a teenager and did not know the Lord, I heard frequently the words, Go to Hell . My flippant and even blasphemous remark was, I got kicked out for selling ice cream cones. I had been taught the idea of a real hell in my church and from my parents but suppressed that teaching. After my conversion, I have come to know through the Holy Spirit and the word of God that hell is real and not everyone will be saved. Our Lord Jesus said, Enter through the narrow gate ; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction,and there are many who enter through it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it (NKJV Matthew 7:13,14)
Without the wrath of God and the existence of a real hell we would not need a Savior. God's love won for us eternal salvation. The Father planned it, the Son executed it and the Spirit applies it.
Associated Press article - hell unpopular, it is not user friendly.
I copied an article some years ago from our local newspaper written by an Associated Press writer. The title was “Hell’s Fires Growing Cold among Americans.” The writer states,
The long running crusade by liberal Christians and Universalists against the eternal punishment idea seems to be getting somewhere. Religious observers say preachers increasingly avoid mentioning hell. And polls indicate increasing numbers of people don’t believe in such a place.Why is this so? It is because hell is not a user friendly term. People are afraid of hell and they don’t want to hear about it.
Paul's exhortation to Timothy
This phenomena is spoken of in 2 Timothy 4:3-5,
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine ; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.We may contrast today’s “no hell preachers” with the honesty of the great English puritan/ preacher, Thomas Brooks. In his series of sermons “Precious Remedies against Satan’s Devices,” he preaches about those who die without Jesus Christ;
But this is not all; thou shalt not be only shut out of heaven, but shut up in hell forever; not only shut out from the presence of God and angels but shut up with devils and damned spirits forever; not only shut out from those sweet, surpassing, inexpressible and everlasting pleasures that be at God’s right hand but shut up forever under those torments that are ceaseless, without remedy and endless.” He then quotes the great preacher Chrysostom; preaching about hell saying, Let us not seek where it is, but how we shall escape it.
Brooks, Mr. Thomas. The Works of Thomas Brooks, “Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices”(1861). London: James Nisbet and Company, p.56
Make sure you have sincerely and surely trusted in Jesus Christ who bore the penalty for our sin on the cross to keep us from going to hell and to ensure everlasting life with pleasure and enjoyment.
I didn't learn about hell from church or pastor. I learn about hell existence from the paranormal activities in my life. I know that God loves me enough to reveal to me somethings most people don't come to realize or want to know. Demons are real and so I must conclude that hell must be real. I invite you to read my blog at http://CertaintyOfWhatIsComing.BlogSpot.com
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting on my blog. I looked at your web site and liked it. Have you read our book "Broken Minds Hope for Healing When You Feel Like You're Losing It?" You can google, bloem broken minds to learn more about it.
Keep putting on the armor of God!!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for being late to respond. Nice try, Gary. Jesus Christ spoke more about Hell than Heaven. Now should I take your view or His? There are hundreds of thousands of people go to Bible believing churches who believe this. The churches are not a cult. Why are you trying to politicize this?
If I told a person that he was going to Leavenworth Federal Prison because he committed a federal crime and he said; “I don’t believe that there is such a federal prison. “ He eventually would find out the reality of it. And the federal officers would make sure he got there. So it is with the word of God. It is God breathed without error.
Here is Mark 9.43-46- "If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life crippled, than, having your two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire,
"If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life lame, than, having your two feet, to be cast into hell,
47 "If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell,
49 "For everyone will be salted with fire.
Based on what evidence should we believe that an ancient holy book called the Bible is correct when it talks about an eternal place of torment in the afterlife for all those who do not accept the Christian teachings regarding belief in Jesus of Nazareth?
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim holy book tells of a place of eternal torment, which Muslims also call Hell, which is the final abode of all those "infidels" who do not accept and follow the teachings of the Koran. According to Islam, Steve, YOU as a Christian are bound for the fires of (the Muslim) Hell.
So why should I worry about the reality of the Christian Hell, but you do not worry about the reality of the Muslim Hell?
Gary, the resurrection of Christ can be proven in a court of law. Thousands of bible prophecies have come to past and there is more to come. Jesus because of His claims that He is God means; He is either a liar, a lunatic (insane, one who is psychotic) , a legend or Lord of all. The last of these apply to Him. I fear no Hell from any religion because, the Bible states, about those who have come to know Christ as Savior; and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come. Once again faith is not a leap in the dark. It is based on objective facts. I know that you are denying the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the God/Man, when you say, regarding the belief of Jesus the Nazareth. If you do not bow before the Lamb of God who died for our sins, then you must face Him as the Lion who has all judgment given to Him. Thank you for your comments.
DeleteYou state that the resurrection of Jesus can be proven in a court of law. That may be your opinion and that of many other Christians including Christians who happen to be attorneys, but if the evidence were so good, why hasn't someone done that? And why don't you find the alleged resurrection of Jesus in any secular college history textbook, presented as an historical fact? A conspiracy against Christians?? No. The evidence is poor, that is why. No one considers the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus good except Christians. Isn't that a problem?
DeleteJews don't believe that there is good evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Muslims don't believe that there is good evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Hindus don't believe that there is good evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. So most of the world does NOT believe that there is good evidence for the resurrection and that is why it is not listed in a fact in any secular history book, anywhere in the world!
Muslims, Jews, and Hindus believe that Cesear crossed the Rubicon, that Alexander invaded India, and that Columbus was the first European to discover the New World. These historical facts are found in the history books of all peoples, of all religions, of all cultures. But not the resurrection. The reason? Answer: poor evidence.
"If you do not bow before the Lamb of God who died for our sins, then you must face Him as the Lion who has all judgment given to Him."
DeleteDo you really believe that it is just and good to toss people into a pit of fire to watch them be burned alive...for ever? If your belief system is true, Steve, that makes your god worse than the worst mass murderers in human history! At least Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot let their victims eventually die. Inflicting horrific pain for a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months isn't good enough for Jesus. Nope. Jesus wants to watch you writhe and scream in horrific agony, year after year, decade after decade, century after century, millennia after millennia...torturing you FOREVER!
That is not just. No "good" being would do that to someone. That is evil. That is barbaric.
Can't you see how immoral your belief system is, Steve. IF your god exists, then we should tremble on our knees before him, but to ask anyone to call him "good", "righteous", and "just" is a joke. Let's call him for what he is: a monster!
Gary, I challenge you to read the book Luke and see the claims that the Lord Jesus Christ made. If you are willing to do His will He will show you the truth of salvation. Your unbelief has no basis. It is abhorrent that you would call Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot, cruel ungodly men, better than God. Oh, Jesus Christ actually suffered the wrath of God, dying for sin in our place. As an infinite God/Man he did so. If you believe on Him you will be saved. As of now you walk according to the Prince of the Power of the air, spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience. The reason you don't believe is that you cannot submit to the true and living God. In fact you rant and rave. Someday, He will judge the living and the dead. Your unbelief and bias is subjective. Because you find something odious or horrible does not negate the objective truth that is found in the Bible.
DeleteHere is a little something you might want to read about the truth of the resurrection of Christ.
History is His-Story
Christians believe in Jesus Christ and know that He lives today. They also believe the Bible. They trust what is recorded in sacred Scripture. They trust in the Savior and His atoning work for their redemption at Calvary. But what about those who can not believe or choose not to believe that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead? They might believe that Jesus existed – that He was a good person, a teacher, or a prophet, but they just can’t believe that He died and was raised to life. What can you tell your non-believing friends that will persuade them that Jesus did die and was raised to life so that they can trust in Him with their life? There is actual evidence that trusting in Christ is more than a hope-so faith but a know-so faith.
Expert Evidence
More secular or non-Christian historians have written about Jesus Christ than any other single person in human history. It is no fluke that historians have long focused on the God-man Jesus Christ who is the single, most influential person of all time. He had more impact on the world than did the most powerful human leaders and dictators ever dreamed of. Many of these men have come and gone and have left little influence on the world around them.
Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853) was and still is known as the greatest expert in judicial testimony ever. This America attorney wrote a book called, “Testimony of the Evangelists” in which he recounts the hundreds of eye-witness accounts of Jesus’ life, His ministry, His death, and His resurrection. He views these recorded testimonies in the New Testament as lines of evidence that would hold up in a court of law even today. This is important because there is no statue of limitations on murder. Part of Greenleaf’s evidence included the thousands and thousands of martyrdoms, the global spread of Christianity, and a persistent-through-persecution faith that millions of believers have died for as proof that this God-man and His ministry was no fake. As has been stated, many people would live for a lie, but few would be willing to die for one, yet millions over the years have died for a faith that they believe in to the uttermost.
Read more: http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/historical-evidence-of-jesus-christs-resurrection/#ixzz3fomWtuWk
Gary, This will be my last post. I can see that you know the Bible. I wonder if you knew the truth and then rejected it.I will leave you with a key Scripture and it is my hope that it will lead you to faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ.
DeletePlease consider, 2 Peter 3:9-13: then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and despise authority. Daring, self-willed,they do not tremble when they revile angelic majesties,whereas angels who are greater in might and power do not bring a reviling judgment against them before the Lord. But these, like unreasoning animals, born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed, reviling where * they have no knowledge, will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed,
suffering wrong as the wages of doing wrong. It is still not to late.
You don't need a PhD to know the Bible is false.
ReplyDeleteInstead of reading scholarly responses to (Bart) Ehrman as recommended, he (Gary) renounced faith. ...The pastors at Gary's former church were concerned as he sparred with capable disciples of Ehrman that he had not yet come to an understanding of Lutheranism. His formation as a Lutheran required time and inculturation. So, yes, in this sense I failed to form him as a disciple of Jesus and for that I am sorry. ---my former orthodox Lutheran pastor
My former pastor is not alone in his assessment that my lack of knowledge is the source of my problem. Many a Lutheran pastor and layperson has accused me of not fully understanding Lutheran doctrine and teachings as the cause of my loss of faith and deconversion from Christianity. What's fascinating is that many an evangelical pastor and layperson has accused me of not understanding "true Christian" (evangelical) doctrine and teaching as the cause of my deconversion. Both groups have given me long lists of apologists (from their respective denominational flavor of Christianity only, of course) to educate me in the truths of Holy Scripture (as they read and understand it).
But here's the thing: I don't need to understand the nuances of the Doctrines of Baptismal Regeneration, the Real Presence, Predestination, or Justification by Faith Alone, to know that the Bible is a book of nonsense. All I need is a high school education and a functioning brain.
Here are the cornerstone beliefs of orthodox Christianity:
1. The first human was created by an ancient middle-eastern god blowing air into a pile of dirt.
2. Death, disease, and all the pain and suffering in the world are the result of the first humans eating an ancient middle-eastern god's fruit.
3. This same ancient middle eastern god soon had pity on humans for inflicting horrific suffering and death upon them for eating his fruit, so he decided to send himself to earth, in the form of a human being, to sacrifice himself, to appease the righteous anger of...himself.
4. This ancient middle-eastern god sent himself to earth in the form of a human being by having his ghost impregnate a young Jewish virgin, giving birth to...himself....as a divine god/man.
5. This divine god/man grew up to then preach the news of eternal redemption and forgiveness for ancestral forbidden-fruit-eating; "good news" meant for all the people of earth...by going to one desolate, sparsely populated, backwater corner of the globe where he taught in riddles that not even his closest followers could understand.
6. Even upon his death his closest followers had no clue what he was talking about. This god/man left no written instructions regarding what he required of mankind, only his confusing, often contradictory oral riddles. However, he allegedly left the job of written instructions to four anonymous writers, three of whom plagiarized the first, and, one bipolar, vision-prone, Jewish rabbi, who concocted contradictory wild tales of resurrections and ascensions into outer space.
Dear friend: You do NOT need to read the books of Christian apologists, theologians, and pastors to determine if these assertions of ancient, middle-eastern facts are true. No. All you have to do is use your brain: These kinds of things do not happen in real life. They only happen in fairy tales and ancient myths. It is all superstitious nonsense.
NO ONE in the 21st century with a high school education should believe these ancient tall tales.
DeleteThe truth isn't always what we want to hear. It may make us sad, angry, or even depressed. But it still is the truth.