What is CAMI? The name stands for Christians Afflicted with Mental Illness. CAMI is an organization of Heartfelt Counseling Ministries, which conducts seminars, provides counseling and advocates for the evangelical, biblical and clinical treatment of persons suffering from mental illness. Mental Illness is a disease that begs for community and it is often more subtle and much more prevalent than we could imagine.
Our first book which was published by Kregel Publications was Broken Minds Hope for Healing When You Feel Like You're Losing It. It has helped many people understand a biblical, clinical, and technical approach to mental illness.
http://heartfeltmin.org/author-page.html http://heartfeltmin.org/author-page.html

When I was first depressed in 1985, I longed for a support group. But at that time there were none to be found! Robyn and I decided to write material that would help people start their own support groups. We have written it and now we help churches start their own group. We also have a group in our home church, Boca Glades Baptist Church in Boca Raton, Florida. The group is made up of Caregivers of the mentally ill and those who suffer from these awful diseases of the mind and mood. If you wish to start a group in your church; it is best if you have your pastor(s) backing. You can also start one off site.
One way to assist your pastor(s) that Heartfelt has a biblical approach is by giving them a link to our website. I would suggest that you would give him a link to our doctrinal statement.
This will assure them that we teach sound doctrine.

This Biblical-based support group material includes a Leader’s Guide and Student Guide/workbook. These guides will help create cohesion and mutual support among those who are born again and affected by these horrible diseases of body, mind and mood. Depression, bipolar, panic and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are some of the most painful of all disorders in this cursed world. Many mentally ill Christians have experienced what we call “shaming” from their own brothers and sisters in Christ causing further and unnecessary suffering. The church of Jesus Christ not only misunderstands the mentally ill, she also provides no ministry for them.
These provocative and interesting manuals inform attracted parties how to start and maintain mental illness support groups. Each lesson has sections entitled Key Verse, Theme of the Week, Talking Points and The Crux of the Matter. There are six lessons in each workbook with approximately eight questions each. The Leader’s Guide has an additional section which has all the answers to the questions in the Student Guide.
The subjects for the lessons in the first series are as follows:
- The Providence of God and Mental Illness
- Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness
- Elijah,the Depressed Man
- The Lethality of Mental Illness
- The Consumer and Links to Help
- Shepherding the mentally ill
Our books will teach, exhort, comfort and validate mentally ill Christians and also train leaders to run related support groups. CAMI Group material has been used in on-line support groups and also groups in local settings. Some people buy the Leader's guide for its scriptural doctrines to read by themselves. CAMI study/starter guides can also be used in Adult Bible Fellowships, growth groups and for those who suffer from dual diagnosis.
You should buy it for the following: because it is scriptural, affordable, easy to read, stimulates discussion and tells you from A-Z(ed) how to start a support group. I Thessalonians 5:14, states,” We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.”
The material and the concept of CAMI are copyrighted. You should not run off any of the material. You do not have to consult us for training (to start a group) but we do have training available for a reasonable price. This training will be by: Curriculum online, CD and by phone consultation. If you do start a group and use the material we ask that you put CAMI somewhere in the name.
Here is how you can purchase our Leader's and Students' Guides. The cost for the Leader's Guide is $14.50 and for the Student's Guides, $8.50. As I have said, you can be trained to start a group by reading the Leader's Guide which will instruct you step by step.
All you have to do is go to our Author's page on our website. If you wanted one Leader's Guide and one Student Guide that would be $23.00. Here is the page to buy them.
If you would like directions to our church's support group, and other details please go to
http://www.heartfeltmin.org/how-can-i-get-involved.html At the church, we have the meeting place easily marked for you. Park in the southwest parking lot and you will be directed by our easy-to-see signs in our education building.
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Look for this sign! |
10101 Judge Winikoff Road
Boca Raton, Florida 33428
10101 Judge Winikoff Road
Boca Raton, Florida 33428